Election Live Updates
Voting at Roger Sherman Elementary School in Fairfield, CT.
November 3, 2020
11:35 AM, November 7
NBC, CNN, and A.P. have called Joe Biden as the President Elect of the United States of America. Kamala Harris is now the Vice President Elect of the United States of America.
9:30 AM, November 7
Biden’s numbers continue to go up in the state of Pennsylvania. After giving poll workers a break, CNN stated that workers were back to work around 4AM this morning. We could know the results by tonight. Stay tuned here on the Prospect.
Arizona: According to NBC and The New York Times, percentages continue to narrow. Biden leads by 0.1%, even though 97% of the votes have already been called.
Nevada: Nevada is potentially one of the last states to be called because of their lack of experience in mail in voting. Biden leads by 1.8% but Trump is closing in.
Georgia: Georgia election officials have clearly stated that they are doing everything in their power to try to get votes and results quickly. The numbers are close, but overnight, Biden has taken an even higher lead by 0.1% as opposed to yesterday’s lead by less than 5,000 votes.
North Carolina: North Carolina is still dominated by President Trump, who leads by almost 2%, and looks to be favoring the President, but if Biden wins Pennsylvania, North Carolina will not help the President.
Counting Votes: President Trump has asked multiple times to stop the votes on Twitter, and now his Republican colleagues are starting to oppose him. Just yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) tweeted: “Here’s how this must work in our great country: Every legal vote should be counted. Any illegally-submitted ballots must not. All sides must get to observe the process. And the courts are here to apply the laws & resolve disputes. That’s how Americans’ votes decide the result.” This message, clearly opposing the President’s desire to stop counting the votes is a clear statement about the law in this country. “Republicans need to speak up,” said Joe Scarborough of MSNBC News.
10:30 AM
PENNSYLVANIA, Too close to count: Pennsylvania is coming in fast. The New York Times is projecting a win for Biden in the state. The votes are coming in quickly and only 5,588 separate the two candidates in the state. 95% of the votes are already in. We await further results.
Georgia: The two candidates are tied at 49.4% but Biden leads by as little as 1907 votes. The Secretary of State gives an update at 10:30, which you can watch on NBC.
NEVADA & ARIZONA: Continue Counting Votes
9:00 AM
Pennsylvania: Major update in Pennsylvania, the state has turned blue in the past couple of minutes. Winning Pennsylvania would give Joe Biden an automatic win, pushing him past 270 even without Nevada or Arizona. Trump would somehow need to win every state from here on out, as well as turn a couple states back to red, in order to win at this point.
8:30 AM
Arizona: According to A.P. and Fox News, Arizona has already been called for Biden, however according to NBC News, Arizona is still counting ballots. Biden keeps his lead there, and according to A.P. 90% of ballots have already been counted.
Georgia: As Michael stated earlier, last night (11/5/20), Biden took the lead in Georgia by a little of 1,000 votes. As long as Biden keeps his lead in Arizona, Winning Georgia could easily put him over 270 electoral votes. Military votes are yet to be counted, which are generally more republican, so Georgia could go either way with an extremely tight gap of 1,000 votes.
Pennsylvania: Mail-in ballots are still being counted, and military ballots will be counted last. The majority of military ballots are generally republican, however most mail in ballots are democratic. Pennsylvania could go either way. Even if Biden loses his lead in Arizona, winning Pennsylvania would grant him the presidency. Trump cannot lose his lead in Pennsylvania or any other state, otherwise he would lose the election.
North Carolina: With Trump ahead by a significant amount of ballots in North Carolina and 99% of the votes counted, it’s very likely the state will be called for Trump. He would need to win this state anyhow, in order to win the election.
Nevada: Nevada continues to count ballots, however many ballots are still in the process of being shipped in. Biden still leads in Nevada, however only by 0.9%. Keeping his win in Arizona, winning Nevada would put him exactly at 270.
PATHS: (Unchanged)
Biden: As long as Biden can keep the lead in Arizona, winning any battleground state will give him the presidency. Even if he doesn’t win Arizona, winning Pennsylvania would also push him past 270.
Trump: Trump would need to win every state except for Alaska to win, unless the lawsuits pull through and he somehow proves voter fraud, however this was the exact thing Trump was impeached for. The lawsuits may not go through at all, even.
7:30, November 6
Battleground States:
Georgia: According to CNN, the only new votes in Georgia are military ballots and some mail in ballots. Military ballots can come in until 11:59 PM tonight, which means Georgia may not be found out until then. Overnight, Biden took the lead by just a little over 1,000 votes.
Arizona: AP and FOX continue to go along with the fact that Joe Biden has the state of Arizona, but other news networks claim it is incredibly close. The Arizona Secretary of State assured that every single vote WILL be counted. (NBC)
Pennsylvania: Mail in ballots are still allowed to come through until Friday, meaning that we might not know the result of this state until the weekend. Based on a CNN correspondent in the city of Philadelphia, people are tirelessly working to try to get ballots counted.
Nevada: The Secretary of State has said that ballots are flooding in and being counted as quickly as possible. Since people in Nevada are not accustomed to voting by mail, it may take several more days to count, leading results into the weekend.
PATHS: (Unchanged)
Biden: As long as Biden can keep the lead in Arizona, winning any battleground state will give him the presidency. Even if he doesn’t win Arizona, winning Pennsylvania would also push him past 270.
Trump: Trump would need to win every state except for Alaska to win, unless the lawsuits pull through and he somehow proves voter fraud. The lawsuits may not go through at all, even.
11:00 PM, November 5
The last word of the night: New York Times:
Georgia: More than 98% of the votes have already been counted and Joe Biden and Donald Trump are tied with 49.4% each. NBC says that if Biden can take Clayton county, he will take Georgia for himself, although military and mail in ballots are still coming in, possibly changing the results.
Arizona: No new information, although many say that it will go to Biden. (AP*, NBC, FOX*, CNN) (*Have been called.)
Pennsylvania: All eyes on Pennsylvania as Biden continues to rise the percentages, being just 0.7% away from Trump. Democrats are saying they are confident of winning the state which will bring Biden to the White House.
Nevada: State most likely will not be counted by tomorrow morning, more details on Nevada can be found in our previous updates and tomorrow.
PATHS: (Unchanged)
Biden: As long as Biden can keep the lead in Arizona, winning any battleground state will give him the presidency. Even if he doesn’t win Arizona, winning Pennsylvania would also push him past 270.
Trump: Trump would need to win every state except for Alaska to win, unless the lawsuits pull through and he somehow proves voter fraud. The lawsuits may not go through at all, even.
Tomorrow morning, we may know the results! Check for updates, tomorrow morning!
5:00 PM, November 5
Biden still leads in both the popular and electoral vote by 2 million individual votes, and 50 electoral votes.
Arizona: The gap increases and Biden’s lead progresses. Only about 90% of votes have been counted, according to AP.
Alaska: Will go to Trump very very likely, however winning this state for either side won’t play too much into the outcome of the election.
Georgia: Biden now only trails by .2%, 99% of ballots have been counted. Trump has filed a lawsuit for a recount.
Pennsylvania: The gap wavers, with Trump still ahead by about 1.2%. Mail in ballots are mostly democratic, and could possibly flip the state. Trump has filed a lawsuit for a recount.
North Carolina: Tight lead, but Trump leads by 1.4%. 95% of ballots have been counted.
Nevada: Biden still leads by .9%; however, it was announced on NBC that we will likely not see the calling of the state until Tuesday morning earliest.
Biden: As long as Biden can keep the lead in Arizona, winning any battleground state will give him the presidency. Even if he doesn’t win Arizona, winning Pennsylvania would also push him past 270.
Trump: Trump would need to win every state except for Alaska to win, unless the lawsuits pull through and he somehow proves voter fraud. The lawsuits may not go through at all, even.
3:00 PM, November 5
Biden on the brink of win; waiting for PA (CNN)
The presidential election: (EV: Electoral Votes)
(New York Times)
(Biden leads; 253 EV’s to 214 EV’s)
The New York Times: Battleground States
Georgia: A state splitting hairs in the process of counting ballots. The two candidates are separated by just 0.2%. Results for Georgia to come in this evening. (Trump leads; 49.5% to 49.2%)
Arizona: Gap between two candidates is now spreading with Biden keeping the lead.
(Biden leads; 50.5% to 48.1%)
Nevada: It is getting really close in Nevada. Most ballots remaining are mail in and absentee. (Biden leads; 49.4% to 48.5)
Pennsylvania: The state of Pennsylvania is starting to look more like a deciding one. Trump leads but mail in ballots are starting to come in and look to favor Biden. The Pennsylvania Secretary of State is set to speak before 5 PM. CNN says that there might be results from the state by midnight.
North Carolina: Trump seems to lead and have an advantage for the rest of the counting, although there is not enough information to make a proper prediction. From calculations, North Carolina is too early to call.
Mail in Ballots: Mail in ballots continue to favor Democrats, and as those ballots come in, Biden’s percentages are going up, giving him the advantage.
Biden: Pennsylvania would win it for the former VP, two of any other states other than Alaska would also win the election for him
Trump: MUST WIN Pennsylvania and 3 other battleground states.
1:18 PM, November 5
Nevada announces that 51,000 ballots will be counted by tomorrow 10 A.M. We will not know the results of Nevada until potentially Tuesday morning, November tenth.
12:00 PM, November 5
Biden leads the electoral college by 50 votes. If he is able to keep his lead, winning any other state (other than Alaska) would give him the presidency. Winning Nevada (assuming he keeps his lead in Arizona) would put him at exactly 270. He is seven votes away from 270 electoral votes, so winning Georgia, North Carolina, or Pennsylvania would all bring him past 270.
Trump trails the electoral college by 50 votes. In order to win, he must win every state (regardless of whether or not Biden wins Alaska.) However the likelihood of Trump winning Alaska is very high, as he’s up by 29%, so in order to win he would have to win every state remaining. Trump is 57 votes away from 270 votes.
Biden leads in the popular votes by nearly four million votes according to A.P.
Nevada: Biden leads in Nevada by exactly 1%, by nearly 12 thousand votes. However only 76% of votes have been counted. According to NBC news, approximately 152,000 ballots are left to count. It’s too soon to tell who will claim the state. Will update as soon as Nevada is called. While on the map Nevada may look mostly red, two two major cities in Nevada, Las Vegas and Rena, are blue which keeps Biden ahead.
Arizona: NBC has not yet called Arizona, however A.P. has. If Biden keeps his lead in Arizona, any states other than Alaska would give him the win. If Trump were to win Arizona, this puts Biden in a complicated spot where he would need to win at least two states that would add up to 17 votes or more.
Georgia: Georgia’s vote count is extremely close as of 12:27 P.M. Eastern time. 99% of votes have been counted, however Trump is .3% ahead. It’s very close, only 14,000 vote apart, the state could go either way. Will update as soon as Georgia is called.
Alaska: It would be almost impossible for Biden to win Alaska, but because it is only worth three electoral votes it will not be a critical state for either side to win. Trump leads by 29.5%, however only 50% of the ballots have been counted. Likely will not be called today (11/5/20). While it’s a large state, there’s a very low population, which gives it only 3 electoral votes.
North Carolina: Trump leads in North Carolina by 1.4%. He leads by 76,000 votes, and it is likely the state will be called either later today or early tomorrow morning, as 94% of ballots have already been counted.
Other Important Updates: Trump files lawsuits in Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania for recounts, accusing voter fraud. (Pennsylvania and Georgia have not yet been called, so there will be difficulty doing a potential recount.)
The Trend: It seems that the gap in every state other than Alaska continues to tighten, any of the states at this point could flip either way.
10:45 AM, November 5
Arizona: The Associated Press called Arizona for Biden although it is looking like they might have to recall the state. Trump is following close behind Biden in Arizona and could potentially overtake the county. It is all focused on Arizona’s Maricopa County which contains more than a third of the population of the whole state. Biden still leads in the county and NBC’s Steve Kornacki says that it will most likely dictate the winner of the state. So far, Biden leads in Maricopa, as well as statewide.
(Biden leads in Arizona; 50.5% to 48.1%)
Nevada: In our 11:30 update, we stated that Nevada releases votes at 9:00 AM. The votes are being released 9:00 AM Pacific Time, which on the east coast is 12:00 PM Eastern Time. Elyse Kwon will update you around noon about Nevada’s progress.
North Carolina: Both presidential and Senate votes are too close to call (AP).
(Presidential: Trump leads; 50.1% to 41.7%)
(Senatorial: Tom Tillis (R) leads Cal Cunningham (D); 48.7% to 46.9%)
Pennsylvania: Biden is catching up quickly. According to NBC, the Trump campaign states they have a good enough margin to win.
Georgia: Secretary of State is to give an update at 10:45. Information on this can be found on the 3:00 PM update.
8:30 AM, November 5
Arizona: Although AP, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal have called the state before the completion of the vote counting, based on first hand reporting, CNN and NBC have both shown the gaps closing in between the two candidates in Arizona. We are yet to see who will win the state once all the votes are counted.
Biden’s path: If Biden holds onto his lead in Arizona, any other state (other than Alaska) would give him the presidency.
Biden is also catching up in Pennsylvania, getting close to taking the lead from Trump. (NBC)
Trump’s path: Biden has limited the paths that Donald Trump can take to stay in the White House. Trump needs 56 more electoral votes in order to reach the magic number of 270. If using the map displayed by NBC and CNN (not calling Arizona,) Trump must take 4 states other than Alaska to reach 270. If Arizona is called (AP) Trump must win all remaining states other than Alaska. This means Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.
Nevada: A possibly deciding state for Biden could be announced by 9:00AM today. If using information from the AP, this means that Biden would win the presidency (counting his Arizona win).
Battleground states (New York Times Panel)
(Arizona not called by NYT)
Nevada: (Biden leads; 49.3% to 48.7%) The state to be decided the morning of November 5th (Today.)
Arizona: Even though it has been called by AP, FOX and WSJ before all the votes were known, the gap is closing between the two candidates, and Trump still has a chance to take this state. Maricopa County, holding almost two thirds of the population of Arizona which should have results in by 7PM tonight according to NBC and The New York Times.
(Biden leads; 50.5% to 48.1)
Pennsylvania: Being one of the most critical states in this election, it is one that the Biden campaign is still behind but could potentially take later a lead today or midday tomorrow. As mail in ballots flood in, the gap between the two candidates continues to lessen.
(Trump leads; 50.7% to 48.1%)
*Footnote: President Trump has filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, asking to stop the late vote counting, arguing it was unconstitutional.
North Carolina: About 95 percent counted, although no news outlet has made a call.
(Trump leads; 50.1% to 48.7%)
Georgia: Biden is closing in, but Trump continues to dominate the state. (Trump leads; 49.6% to 49.2%)
The trend: We saw that Donald Trump would lead in many battleground states once they were called, but then Biden would start to bounce back. According to NBC exit polls, more same day voters would choose Trump while Democrats have more voting by mail. Considering the fact that the majority of states are counting mail in ballots after they count same day ballots explains the rebounds that Biden is making in Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania and even North Carolina. So keep an eye on that trend, as it can decide the election results.
11:30 PM, November 4:
-Arizona: The state of Arizona has been called by the Associated Press but not by New York Times, NBC, or CNN.
-Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania will have a majority of their votes by tomorrow evening due to the mail in ballots, as stated by their Secretary of State, in an interview with NBC.
-Nevada: Nevada is a deciding state at this moment. It may be called tomorrow morning by 9:00 AM. If Biden takes this state, he will win the presidential election at 270 electoral votes.
-North Carolina: North Carolina continues to favor Donald Trump although due to more mail in voting, results could skew over the next 24 hours.
Georgia: Georgia continues to favor Donald Trump although due to more mail in voting, Biden still has a chance to catch up.
Alaska (Not a battleground state): Alaska is not a battleground state, but it is the only remaining state other than the battleground states above to be listed. It is projected to go to President Trump, who has a reported lead at the moment.
Mathematical Projections (NBC, Steve Kornacki)
Biden’s path to victory: If counting Arizona, Biden needs one more state (other than Alaska’s 3 electoral votes) to win the presidency. This explains that Nevada could win the election for Biden.
Trump’s path to victory: Biden continues to narrow Trump’s options, but Trump must win all the remaining states other than Alaska to win (not counting Arizona). This means that if Biden wins any more states, Trump has lost.
Dilemmas in Wisconsin: Trump has demanded for a recount in Wisconsin, which is, according to the Constitution, allowed, as long as the two candidates have finished less than 1% apart from each other in that state. (NBC)
Dilemmas in Pennsylvania: The Trump campaign has already filed two cases in Pennsylvania, hoping to stop ballots from being counted that arrived or are arriving post election day. Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and the President’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, were also in California trying to stop the issue, saying it was “fraud.” This contradicts the ruling of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court saying that ballots could arrive and count as late as Friday evening.
Arizona: A press issue arose when Arizona was called by the Associated Press and Fox News. CNN, NBC, and the New York Times have not called Arizona yet, but are set to early tomorrow morning.
6:00 PM. November 4
Biden wins Michigan at around 5:00 P.M., the official score now standing at 264-214 with Biden winning by 50 electoral votes.
Uncalled states as of 6:00 P.M.
Biden: Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Nebraska Congressional District. Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
Trump: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, North and South Dakota, Nebraska (without congressional district), Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Kentucky, W. Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana.
Nevada (leads blue), Pennsylvania (leans red), North Carolina (leans red), Alaska (leans red), and Georgia (leans red). **Arizona has been announced to be blue by the Associated Press but has not yet been called by New York Times. (leans blue)
Biden leads in Nevada by .6% **Arizona has been called by the Associated Press but on New York Times currently leads by 3.4%.
Trump leads in Pennsylvania by 3.5%, in North Carolina by .4%, Alaska by 31.2%, and Georgia by .2%.
Georgia, North Carolina, and Nevada are all very close on both sides.
Mail in ballots are still in the process of being counted, and it is likely the results of the election will not be announced until as late as Friday. Both candidates have spoken today, Trump announcing victory (though it’s too soon to tell) and Biden announcing that based on where the states are at now, he is confident he will win (though it’s also too soon to tell).
Biden still leads in the popular vote by nearly 3 million individual votes.
Live Map: Click HERE to view a New York Times live
4:00 PM, November 4
Biden: Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Nebraska Congressional District, Arizona, and Wisconsin.
Trump: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, North and South Dakota, Nebraska (without congressional district,) Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Kentucky, W. Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana.
Biden won Wisconsin earlier, making the electoral votes score 248-214. Biden is also winning the individual votes.
Uncalled states as of 4:00 PM:
Alaska (leads red), Nevada (leans blue), Pennsylvania (leads red), Michigan (leans blue), North Carolina (leans red), and Georgia (leans red).
Pennsylvania and Nevada have only counted about 60% of their ballots thus far, while Michigan and North Carolina have counted about 95%.
9:45 AM:
Biden continues to lead nationwide, 227-213 according to The New York Times
Trump: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, North and South Dakota, Nebraska (without congressional district), Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Kentucky, W. Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana
Biden: Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and Nebraska Congressional District. Arizona only called by AP.
Undecided: Nevada (Biden leads by 0.6%), Arizona (Biden leads by 5%, but too early to call), Georgia (Trump leads by 2.2%), North Carolina (Trump leads by 11.7%, but too early to call), Michigan (Biden leads by 0.1%, but too close/early to call), and Wisconsin (Biden leads by 0.7%.)
PA: The state of Pennsylvania is set to be the slowest counted state in the country because of extended time for mail in voting.(NBC). There is doubt whether it will be a deciding state or not.
Nevada: The Secretary of State of Nevada has said that the result for the state might be announced as late as tomorrow afternoon (NBC).
Paths: Both Trump and Biden have paths to 270, but based on calculations, it will be close (NBC). Arizona would be key to a Biden victory while Trump could benefit from Pennsylvania or Michigan.
Time: NBC targets the result time around Friday morning, just after midnight while CNN and FOX zoom into tomorrow evening. Either way, it will be a while before we know the results.
Senate: It is looking like the Senate will continue to be dominated by Republicans. After spending loads of money on trying to defeat Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell, who were both re-elected, the Democrats look a little less encouraged (NBC).
House: Democrats seem to have retained the House (NBC).
Live Map: Click HERE to view a New York Times live map.
7:07 AM:
Currently, Biden is winning the election leading by 25 electoral votes and nearly two million popular votes.
Current Leads:
Trump– Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Alaska
Biden– Nevada and Wisconsin
Pennsylvania will likely be the deciding state. Trump currently has a lead here by nearly 13%, however mail in ballots have not yet been counted and are three times as likely to be Democratic than Republican. Ballots could take up to Friday to be fully counted.
10:53 PM:
Our coverage of Election Day Night has ended. Check back tomorrow morning for a news update.
10:45 PM: Projections Based on the New York Times stand as follows:
Trump: North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, South Carolina, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska (with the exception of the second congressional district).
Biden: New Mexico, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Colorado. NBC has called New Hampshire for Biden.
Texas: Currently being led by Trump according to the New York Times, but could come to being extremely close.
Ohio: Trump continues to lead. This is an imperative state for Biden.
Florida: Continues to be undeclared but Trump has a 3.5% advantage.
Senate: Democrats still need to flip four seats unless Biden is elected, then, Democrats only need three flipped seats.
Current Stats at 10:45 PM according to the New York Times
Joseph R. Biden Jr. – 131 Electoral Votes (38,725,335 votes) (47.5%)
Donald J. Trump – 108 Electoral Votes (41,653,663 votes) (50.9%)
10:30 PM:
In North Carolina, Trump is leading by .6% according to NBC. Early votes and same day votes also play parts in skewing the results of this state. Same day votes are expected to be worse for Biden than the statewide trend. This will be a close state.
10:20 PM:
Joe Biden wins New Mexico according to NBC.
10:14 PM:
Arizona’s Maricopa County, which represents the majority of Arizona’s population, gives Biden a projected lead in the state. (Biden: 55.0%, Trump: 43.7%)
10:00 PM: Projections based on the New York Times report as follows. The projections have not changed significantly since 9:15 PM.
Trump: North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, and South Carolina.
Biden: New Mexico, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Colorado.
Ohio: Incredibly close, Trump leads slightly according to the NBC.
Florida: The two candidates are spreading further apart in percentages. (Biden: 47.7%, Trump: 51.2%)
Senate: Democrats need to flip three seats in order to take control in the Senate.
Michigan: Trump leads in Michigan.
9:46 PM:
Based on NBC, Ohio continues to stress both parties, as it could become an important state for the election.
9:35 PM:
The gap in Florida continues to spread.
9:32 PM
Donald Trump gets South Carolina according to NBC.
9:28 PM
NBC shows that Trump wins Alabama.
Hickenlooper (D) of Colorado wins over Kelly Gardner (R) to flip a Senate seat.
9:22 PM
Based on NBC projections, Donald Trump takes North Dakota by only 0.5%, unlike polls which had predicted a huge win for Trump.
9:15 PM
PA Update: According to NBC, Pennsylvania has already started to count, although it may be called much later.
Projections based on New York Times analysis:
Trump: North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana and South Carolina.
Biden: New Mexico, Illinois, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
9:10 PM
Ohio: Biden leads by 6.3% in Ohio, based on New York Times projections.
Trump wins South Dakota, according to NBC.
8:30 PM
Trump has won Mississippi (Associated Press).
8:20 PM
Trump has won 4 states and Biden has won seven (Associated Press).
Biden is projected to win Connecticut (Associated Press).
8:00 PM
Biden is projected to win Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Vermont (NBC News).
New York Times is projecting a win for Biden in Ohio, and a win for Trump in Florida, but it has not been called yet.
No flip states have been won over by either side as of now. (8:08 PM, updates will continue to be posted).
7:00 PM
NBC is projecting a win for Trump in Indiana and Kentucky, but it has not been called yet.
Biden is projected to win Delaware but it is not official.
6:00 PM
Polls update: Georgia extended voting time until 9:00 PM. Only Indiana and Kentucky have closed.
Next polls close at 7:00 and 7:30.
Pre-Election Breaking News:
Harris Country Drive-through voting: The Fifth Circuit Court of Texas denied a bid made by the Republicans of Texas to block election drive-through voting in Harris county.
Polls: New York Times can give you more information on poll closing for the night. Connecticut polls close at 8:00 PM.
Trump: Trump spoke today with the RNC in Virginia. “I hear we are doing very well in Florida and we’re doing very well in Arizona. We’re doing incredibly well in Texas. We’re doing, I think we’re doing — I’m hearing we’re doing well all over,” Trump said. “I think we are going to have a great night.” You can find more on CNN.
Biden: Joe Biden was at his son’s grave before visiting his hometown of Scranton, writing a message on his house wall. “This house to the White House.”- Politico. He will watch the election results in Wilmington, Delaware.