To Do List: Winter Break Edition

Sarah Chen, Entertainment Editor

As days get colder, and nights seem darker, we begin to approach the holiday season. Despite all the challenges and changes in society, the holidays provide room for reflection and an array of traditions. We get to spend time with our families, relax through entertainment, and ease into the holiday spirit. 

Without further ado, here are 4 ideas for family activities during the 2020 holiday season.


Whether it be hanging lights around the house or putting ornaments on evergreen conifer trees, you cannot go wrong with decorations! Harness your imagination and create something magical to put on display. Adding decorations not only spices up the appearance of your house, but also brings joy in the time of COVID-19. 

Kitchen Skills

The holiday season is the perfect time to show off your cooking and baking skills for your friends and families. So whip up some delicious chocolate chip cookies and share them with those around you, start a new tradition by baking a chocolate peppermint cake, or make a yummy mess with your siblings. Whatever you do, remember to be grateful and appreciative of the people around you.


The best time is family time; despite how chaotic your family may drive you during online learning and meetings, appreciate all the memories you have spent with one another. Every once in a while, take a family picture with matching sweaters and watch cheesy movies with hot chocolate and fuzzy blankets. Although things are a little different this year, we can still create opportunities, like Zoom calls, to be together.

However, according to Fast Company, more than 50% of American workers were afraid to take time off the holidays; this year, the pandemic has deprived essential workers such as doctors and nurses from vacation time with their families. So, find safe opportunities to spend time with your family and friends this season, for there are many who wish to be in your position.


Hearing your siblings stomp down the stairs at 5:00 A.M. to see Santa’s gifts is one of the most rewarding aspects of the holiday season. An FLHS student exclaims, “Gift giving and receiving is one of the best things about Christmas!” It truly is heartwarming to see the smiles and faces of happiness during the act of giving and receiving, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or secular holidays this season. That is one of the beautiful aspects of the holidays. Whether it is volunteering at food banks, giving money to charity, supporting businesses, or even making a collage for your parents, you can help spread the powerful emotion of love, something that is especially needed this year. 

In many cases, the holiday season is considered to be the opposite of joy and happiness. Some students might feel isolated from their family members and others might miss traditions from past years. Furthermore, those who are economically insecure or have been significantly impacted by the Coronavirus might not be able to give gifts to their children. Regardless of the circumstances or how the holidays will look like this year, the activities we choose and the tradition we spend will always be valid. 

What matters the most is how we make the best of the given situation and keep a positive attitude, so Happy Holidays!