Say No to Shopping

Join Sophie in #NoFastFashionMay by not buying any clothing for the month of May and, instead, repurposing your old clothes.

Sustainable Sophie

Join Sophie in #NoFastFashionMay by not buying any clothing for the month of May and, instead, repurposing your old clothes.

Hi everyone!

A few months ago I started an internship with Eco Evolution, which I highlighted in my last post ( While being an intern, I have learned that, despite all the bad news, there are so many people doing so much good out there, and we just have to look for it.

I write about different sustainable and ethical companies to help bring awareness to their products and business practices. Since joining this eco-community, I have found that it is important to spread the word about these companies to help make them stronger, as we are all working for the same goal, a better planet. I feel this is a good step in helping to make a difference, but it is time to change my lifestyle as well.

Over the past few months, I have been making my own changes, like switching to a shampoo bar, using a bamboo tooth brush, composting at home, and thrifting, etc. This next step is especially challenging for me as I love shopping and fashion: it brings me joy. For the month of May, I am not going to buy any new clothing, but instead will use the clothing I have to create my style. It is especially hard as I am a teenager, and new trends are constantly showing up, but as Emma Watson says, “As consumers we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy.”

I am inviting all my fellow fashion and eco-lovers to join me in not buying any new clothing! If you choose to join me, reach out and tag me @sustainablesophieshop. Or use the hashtag #NoFastFashionMay.