Backstage at The Wedding Singer

June 24, 2022
On April 29th, 30th, and May 1st, the FLHS Drama Club put on their performance of “The Wedding Singer.” Lots of work had been put into the production by many different people in the cast, costumes crew, and stage crew. As a member of stage crew, I’m going to highlight the work that we did to get the performance ready.
Stage Crew has multiple responsibilities during the plays and musicals. We build the actual stage components for the performance, along with most of the bigger props. And during the shows, we do most of the set changes.
When Stage Crew first started meeting for this musical, in early March, we planned out what had to be done: bathrooms, a DeLorean, a dumpster, and the panels on the stage. As the days went by, the DeLorean grew from a chair with the legs sawn off to the foil covered beauty used in the show. Some things did go wrong during the shows. During the final show on Sunday afternoon, one of the DeLorean’s wheels fell off. A few pieces of duct tape later, and it was fine for the rest of the show.
Here are some pictures from the construction of the set and backstage at the show.