Spring Break or Bust?

Spring Break or Bust?

With Spring Break around the corner Fairfield families are busy making plans. Discussion of whether students will stay at home or go on trips fills the Ludlowe halls. The plans range from defrosting on an elaborate tropical getaway to a relaxing staycation at home. Many juniors, and even some sophomores, plan to go on college tours in preparation for applications in the fall.

For students planning to have a tropical vacation a popular destination is Florida, allowing families to stay close while getting some warmth. If families decide to go a bit further, they tend to go to tropical places such as Mexico, the Bahamas, or Aruba. These are just some options, but families mainly stick to these tropical places.

For Juniors and Sophomores Spring Break is the perfect time to scout out colleges to apply to in the fall. During this time the weather is warm on many campuses and students are still at universities giving visitors a true sense of what the environment is like. Whether they take formal tours or choose to explore the campus on their own, during break students have lots of time to travel and experience a variety of schools. 

Many students will also use spring break for the dreaded staycation. Having to stay home all break can be a major let down as students are bored all day and are stuck watching on social media as it seems like everyone else is away. Many friends are gone leaving those left behind with no plans. 

Spring Break is the last break before final exams and senior graduation. No matter if you are staying at home or flying across the world, Spring Break is a time to decompress and relax before the insane season that concludes with the end of the school year. 

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